Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization in Surgery

Surgery members participating in ILookLikeASurgeon online campaign
Surgery members participate in the #ILookLikeASurgeon online campaign.

Efforts are underway within the Department of Surgery to encourage a supportive and equitable environment, with a number of projects being carried out by several residents and faculty members in various divisions. 

If you would like to suggest topics for future Webinars and Virtual Events, please fill out our anonymous web form.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization in Surgery Committee

The Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization in Surgery Committee is chaired by Drs. Muriel Brackstone, Professor, Division of General Surgery, and Dr. Douglas Ross, Professor, Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. The Committee aims to assist undergraduate students, residents, and faculty in ensuring positive and supportive personal, academic, and work environments.

Seeking to establish the Department of Surgery at Western as a national leader in this area, the Committee will focus on identifying structural and systemic barriers and collaborate with members at all levels of the university and hospital to modify these barriers and enhance equity and fairness for all. Another priority for the Committee is to provide opportunities for encouraging scholarship in the field of gender & equity studies through guest lectures, Master of Science in Surgery thesis projects, collaboration with other groups such as the Centre for Education Research & Innovation, Canadian national surgical societies, and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Articles of Interest

Ahmed A, Davidson J, Van Koughnett JA, Bütter A. Gender trends in applicants to general surgery residency programs in Canada. J Pediatr Surg. 2023 May;58(5):917-924. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2023.01.042. Epub 2023 Jan 20. PMID: 36797112

Barton KYou've Got This, Boss Mama: A Mother's Guide to Embracing Growth and Living an Aligned Life. Toronto: YGTMama Media Co.; c2020. Chapter Ten, Mother, Surgeon, and Scientist: Choosing All Three; p. 157-170.

Chapple CR, Albers P, Denstedt J. Addressing Equality of Representation in Urology Societies. Eur Urol. 2021 Oct;80(4):454-455. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2021.07.001. Epub 2021 Jul 16. PMID: 34275661.

Drudi LM, Duncan AA. Striving for gender equity in aortic aneurysm research. J Vasc Surg. 2022 Mar;75(3):1089-1090. doi: 10.1016/j.jvs.2021.11.053. PMID: 35190141.

Graham ME, Aleksa E, Dzioba A, Madou E, Chen T, Strychowsky JE, Hu A, Chan Y, Seemann NM. Gender Differences in Domestic Responsibilities of Otolaryngologists-A Mixed-Methods Analysis. Laryngoscope. 2024 Jun 27. doi: 10.1002/lary.31605. PMID: 38934344

Hunter J, Grewal R, Nam D, Lefaivre KA. Gender disparity in academic orthopedic programs in Canada: a cross-sectional study. Can J Surg. 2022 Mar 9;65(2):E159-E169. doi: 10.1503/cjs.008920. PMID: 35264443.

Jariwala K, Wilson CA, Davidson J, Hu J, Symonette C, de Ribaupierre S, Graham ME, Seemann NM. A Canadian National Survey Study of Harassment in Surgery-Still a Long Way to Go. J Surg Educ. 2024 Jun 3:S1931-7204(24)00238-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2024.05.010. PMID: 38834433

Koichopolos J, Ott MC, Maciver AH, Van Koughnett JAM. Gender-based differences in letters of recommendation in applications for general surgery residency programs in Canada. Can J Surg. 2022 Apr 1;65(2):E236-E241. doi: 10.1503/cjs.025120. PMID: 35365496.

Parsons Leigh J, de Grood C, Ahmed S, Bosma K, Burns KEA, Fowler R, Fox-Robichaud A, Mehta S, Mele T, Straus SE, Zepeda N, Kemp L, Fiest K, Stelfox HT. Improving gender equity in critical care medicine: a protocol to establish priorities and strategies for implementation. BMJ Open, 2020 Jun 11; 10 (6): e037090. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037090. PMID: 32532779

Patel A, Wilson CA, Davidson J, Lam JY, Graham ME, Seemann NM. The Intersection of Family Planning and Perception of Career Advancement in General Surgery. J Surg Res. 2024 Apr;296:481-488. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2024.01.017. Epub 2024 Feb 6. PubMed PMID: 38325010.

Ryan JF, Istl AC, Luhoway JA, Davidson J, Christakis N, Bütter A, Mele TS. Gender Disparities in Medical Student Surgical Skills Education. J Surg Educ. 2020 Oct 2:S1931-7204(20)30363-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2020.09.013. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33020039

Webinars and Virtual Events

Title: The Integration of the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion into surgical training and practice: Where do we start?
December 18, 2024
Guest speaker: Dr. Laura Snell

Title: Gender Equity in Surgery and Surgical Training
June 5, 2024
Guest Speaker: Dr. Ashley Cox  

Title: Trans Health
June 1, 2022
Guest Speakers: Drs. Jeffrey Campbell, Aaron Grant, and Deb Peneva

Title: The power of questions: Perspectives of an Indigenous Surgeon on Turtle Island
December 15, 2021
Guest Speaker: Dr. Nadine Caron

Title: Clinical Supervision: Five Reasons That It’s Harder Than We Think
April 7, 2021
Guest Speaker: Dr. Lorelei Lingard

Title: Thriving in Surgery: Is Grit Enough?
February 19, 2021 
Guest Speaker: Dr. Susan Moffatt-Bruce

Title: Perioperative Multidisciplinary Grand Rounds: Taking Action on Physician Wellbeing
January 20, 2021
Guest Speakers: Drs. Amy Rice, Andrea Lum, and Laura Foxcroft
Title: Unspeakable: Tackling Taboo Topics in Medicine
January 28, 2021
Guest Speakers: Drs. Chris Watling, Jennifer Klasen, Kori LaDonna, Javeed Sukhera, and Taryn Taylor.

Ongoing Projects

Coming soon...

The Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization in Surgery OWL site contains resources for further education and training. 

Western University's Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion website is now live. Learn more.